Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Double Look! September Edition

     Greetings to our Albion Community! Welcome to our September Edition.  We would like to thank the community for their support by making our Juvenile Court Day a huge success!  Also, Double Vision would like to thank the funders that gave generous donations to help with the renovations of our building.


     Double Vision Center has done a lot since the last time we talked. Our Juvenile Court Day has been very successful but, at the same time, we still need the Albion Community to make the vision become a reality.  Right now, we have repairs that still need to be done such as, carpet, tile and up-to-date lighting system.  Double Vision feels that we have to make our center safe for our youth, as well as, our community and beautify our downtown area at the same time.


     We would really like to thank…Joe Domingo for his support!  He has helped us get the word out about helping the low-income families and high-risk kids all over Calhoun County.  Without his support a lot of things would not be possible.  Also we would like to thank…Albion College Community Service Day Volunteers for their support.  Chaplin Dan brought numerous students down to help us with painting our ceiling. Way to go Brits!!!


 In this Edition we would like to mention a person of interest…Mr. William Greene Sr.  Mr. Greene spends a lot of time at Double Vision Center helping us keep our building clean and make sure that there is plenty of water for our volunteers of Juvenile Court Day.


     In the mean while Double Vision Center has been working on helping our County with health issues.  Coming soon to Double Vision Center will be…Marlow’s Boot Camp (MBC)!  By collaborating with MBC, we will be able to help fight obesity and create a healthy heart.  Look for more information soon.


     In closing, Double Vision Center understands that funding is very low when it comes to grants and donations.  But we also know that there are some funds that are available as well as funders that can help with the opening of…Double Vision Center/Roller Rink.  Our mission is to put out an S.O.S to save our high-risk kids and help low-income families that are struggling to fill out a job application on-line as well as finding a trade to better their lifestyle. These issues cannot continue to be overlooked!!  

So with your help we can make someone’s dream become a reality. 


Thank you for reading our September Edition of….The Double Look!

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