The Double Look
Greetings to our Albion Community! Double Vision Center and its board members have decided to put together a newsletter each month to let the community and other organizations know what great things are happening now and what will be happening in the future.
Double Vision Center recently went out into the community and asked, “What is your main concern in the Greater Albion Area”?
· Lack of job creation
· Failure in our school system
· We always hear what an organization has done for 1 person and not what the organization has done to make an impact on the whole community.
People in our community have noticed when a job comes to town only a few people are affected by the change. One example that was given was when the ice factory came to town it hired more out of town people than people in Albion. They also feel that there are more jobs going out than coming in. Another example is when the Burger King shut down it put a lot of people out of work.
A lot of parents feel that some of the after school programs that the school system provides to our children they are being mandated to attend. A parent spoke up saying, “What if I have to work that day and can’t pick up my child or if I don’t have my child there for the after school program because of work, how will that affect my child and I? So, I think it’s unfair to mandate my child to an after school program without first putting the concerns and needs of the parents especially the single parents”. Another concern was putting the 7th and 8th graders in the High School. Another parent spoke up saying, “Who is to say that a 12th grader can’t tell a 7th grader to meet them at the baseball field after school? This would definitely cause a greater impact on Teen Pregnancy”.
A citizen of Albion attended a City Council Meeting which the topic of that meeting was about the City Manager replacement. The citizen said all he heard was what the City Manager has done for “ME” not what the City Manager has done to make a big impact on the community.
Double Vision Center feels that our Juvenile Court Day teaches work ethics, leadership, the importance of helping others, and giving back to “YOUR” community. Getting the skating rink open will create jobs for the young adults and teens which will teach them responsibility also. Teen Speak Out and computer classes allows Double Vision Center to find out the needs and concerns of the children and their parents so they can receive the necessary counseling, training and brochures to help them along the way through a motivational speaker. We are asking the community to come together and lend a helping hand or even make a donation to help make a difference in “OUR” community. Rah! Rah! Rah!
This survey does not reflect on the views of Double Vision Center but, the views of the public. Thank you and see you next month.